Our Services

Core services of IIMERS:

  • Crisis avoidance planning
  • Crisis response and continuity
  • Risk Management
  • First Response on site
  • Illness and Injury triage (offsite)
  • Preventative care for employees through medicals, fit for work, risk mitigation training
  • Medical case management
  • Exceptional medical input into operations

Risk is an unavoidable part of any business. With IIMERS on your team, your organisation will be prepared for any incident. The necessary strategies and resources will be available to protect people and assets. Whether you need medical, security or fire services our team of trained professionals are ready to react.

First Response

IIMERS provide onsite first response to industry. Our team can be available to support remote work, offshore work, high risk shutdowns and 24/7 operations. From low acuity onsite response to minor cuts and scrapes through to managements of injured workers who may require immediate medical intervention to reduce risk of serious injury or fatality.

Site medical response services can include:

  • Clinical staff as part of the team
  • Medical box delivered onsite as treatment room
  • Provide triage for illness and injury
  • Ability to treat and provide medication onsite
  • Manage patient stabilisation and transport to hospital
  • Contribute to site risk assessments and SWMS
  • Management of alcohol and drug testing
  • Health briefings
  • Manage infectious disease outbreak and quarantine


IIMERS staff onsite demonstrates true commitment to worker safety, welfare and mental health. Our team of occupational paramedics, nurses and doctors can triage patients, treat patients and manage return to work with minimal disruption to work. Should a hospital transport be required, our clinical team can accompany, act on behalf of worker and employer, communicate with family all the while providing best practice company commitment to employee wellbeing.

Injury Illness & Triage

IIMERS injury and illness triage centre is a 24/7 control room staffed by clinical professionals who are qualified and trained to respond to injury and illness in a corporate environment. Our team have a thorough understanding of providing over the phone and video triage support while also supporting business needs to capture risk data.

The Injury and Illness Triage centre provides our clients and their employees access to a 24×7 contact line. IIMERS clinical staff provide first response triage when answering the calls and support injured employees and worksites by offering treatment advice. Incidents are reported in a timely manner to the workplace management team and safety supervisor while still maintaining reporting incidents in live time.

The scope of the support services available to support workplaces includes:

  • 24/7 including public holidays contact line that providing injury and illness triage for safety staff and injured/ill employees;
  • Referral to a medical appointment;
  • Live time injury/illness notification to a manager and nominated contacts of the reported injury;
  • Reporting of the injury/illness through our safety and risk management tool;
  • Daily/weekly/monthly reporting data and analysis of workplace injury/illness trends

The illness and injury triage service not only offers immediate first response care for employees and using this service reflects company commitment to best practice in safety, it also supports workplace occupational health and safety.

Injury & Illness Prevention

Workplace injury and illness is often preventable through provision of appropriate training and preparation for tasks and activities. IIMERS staff are trained in occupational response and we pass this training on to your worksites when contracting any of services on an annual basis.

Our clients receive access to our blended learning package comprising face-to-face, online and knowledge banks. Topics covered include:

  • Manual Handling
  • Task assessments and critical thinking
  • Physical fitness and maintaining health
  • Drug and alcohol and the body
  • Reporting fatigue or not fit for work
  • Nutrition
  • Working at heights and safety
  • Working over waterways and safety
  • Working in a live environment and maintaining personal safety
  • Working near moving vehicles and safety


While these safety areas are written in to SWMS, best practice is demonstrated when employees take personal accountability for safety. This is achieved by providing the workforce with current methods and practices to reduce risk of personal injury.

Employment Medical

IIMERS can provide pre-employment and employment medicals onsite or offsite. The employment medical is at the request of the employer and is used to determine is the employee is fit for work and can safely complete the duties assigned.

IIMERS doctors, nurse and paramedic practitioners can complete the following assessments:

  • Blood pressure, weight
  • Respiratory and cardiovascular health
  • Range of motion and reflexes
  • Provide a physical examination
  • Test for drugs and alcohol
  • Check hearing and vision


During the medical, the IIMERS scope of practice doctor supports inquiry of ability to handle stress, discuss any mood or behavioural changes and ask about any medication they’re taking.

In addition to employment and pre-employment medicals, IIMERS practitioners can manage return to work plans.


IIMERS vaccination team can provide onsite and clinic vaccinations for employees ad-hoc or as part of the site first response crew. Depending on time of the year, SecMedic team can attend and complete influenza, tetanus and other vaccinations as necessary.

IIMERS work with employers to determine the vaccinations which will be provided to employees, develop the rollout schedule and then provide a complete annual calendar of dates for vaccinations. Ad-hoc inoculation sessions are also available for staff and employers.

Vaccinations available can include:

  • Influenza
  • Hepatitis A and B
  • Tetanus
  • Q-Fever
  • Rabies
  • Typhoid
  • Measles, mumps and rubella
  • Varicella

Employers can provide vaccinations for staff as a means to promote a healthy workforce and reduce risk of illness for the workplace and employee families.

Return to Work

IIMERS is well versed in occupational and medical legislation, regulation, Standards and Codes and have used this knowledge to tailor a service which achieves best practice results for both employers and employees. It is our aim to support injured workers back to a safe workplace and continue to support full recovery.

The RTW consultants are also clinicians and provide the following recovery approach:

  • A RTW plan which considers both mental and physical health of the employee
  • A RTW plan which is supported by clinically practical recovery pre, during and post injury claim.
  • Support for both employer and employee to lodge appropriate documentation including wage claims, insurance, medical examinations and supporting investigations
  • Workplace training and education for employees
  • Stakeholder coordination for all parties involved in the employee recovery journey
  • Access to rehabilitation support and care

Assisting employers in providing safe and efficient workplaces.

Schedule a free consultation with our team and let’s make things happen!